Set Up Your Affiliate Link Now and Start Earning
Instant 75% Commission
By Promoting "Building The Complete Soccer Athlete"!
Here's your chance to earn instant 75% commissions just by promoting this HOT-SELLING product! Nothing could be easier! All you need is to promote ONE ClickBank Hoplink for "Soccer Athletics Soccer Training Program" and instantly make $15 per sale!
Who pays me & When do I get paid?
The company we use for our affiliate program is the well known third party company called ClickBank. ClickBank sends out checks twice a month, on the 1st and the 16th, but you can get your money transfered right to your bank account as well. Just contact ClickBank and they`ll set it up for you.
Please follow these simple instructions:
We use Clickbank for our affiliate program - the worlds #1 online marketplace.
1. Sign up for a FREE ClickBank account.
If you are already a ClickBank member, then go to Step 2.
If you don’t have a ClickBank ID ("nickname"), click here to get one (FREE) and then come back to this page when you're done to get your affiliate resources. It only takes a few seconds to sign up with ClickBank. Once you have completed the ClickBank sign up form and received your "ID," come back to this window and proceed to Step 2.
2. Get your affiliate link to our site
After you get your ClickBank account and know your ClickBank ID, simply add it to the affiliate link below:
1. Replace the text "YourIDHere" with your Clickbank ID.
2. Place your affiliate code anywhere on your website, either as a text link, or using one of the tools referenced below.
3. Register for our Affiliate Support Program
Sign up for our Affiliate Email Support Program to get FREE Marketing tips, tricks and tools... this valuable information will help you sell more online products - including your own! The only thing you need is a ClickBank ID ("nickname") ...
Once you have a ClickBank ID ("nickname") then fill out the simple form below and you'll be up and running in a few seconds.
Affiliate Sign Up Box:
Upon signing up for our Affiliate Program, you will receive:
- A confirmation email with *all* of your affiliate links configured - just "copy and paste" the links and you're ready to sell!
- Occasional email updates with news, tools, marketing tips, techniques and new product profiles as they come available!
Promote your link to refer sales and make lots of $$$ MONEY!
Below you will find many ways to promote your link.
1. Banner ads - If you have a website, placing a simple banner ad on your site can earn you hundreds of dollars.
2. Email Html Promotional Banners - You can use the Email HTML banners when sending HTML Email promotions to your list, or you can use them to create your own pre-sell web pages.
3. Start making money within 10 minutes with Google - Pay per Click advertising is one of the fastest ways in this industry to make money online!
4. Email Marketing - One of the most popular ways for affiliates to promote the product site and make sales. The bigger your list, the more effective this will be!
5. Twitter Ads - Twitter is one of the most popular social networking applications on the Internet and its popularity continues to grow stronger each day. Tweet these ads to your followers and monetize your list.
6. Viral Article Marketing. Send one of the articles below to your list with your affiliate link branded in them.
7. Affilorama - Affiliate Marketing Training Resources and Support Tools. This site provides some amazing free, as well as premium, affiliate resources!
8. or - will shorten affiliate URL and hide the affiliate code.
Banner Ads
Choose which banner you would like to use then select the code that is under that banner.
Then, replace "YourIDHere" with your Clickbank ID and paste this code directly into your web page.

Use the following code for this hosted banner (simply copy and paste in HTML):
<a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125 alt="Complete Soccer Training Program"></a>

Use the following code for this hosted banner (simply copy and paste in HTML):
<a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125 alt="Complete Soccer Training Program"></a>

Use the following code for this hosted banner (simply copy and paste in HTML):
<a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125 alt="Complete Soccer Training Program"></a>

Use the following code for this hosted banner (simply copy and paste in HTML):
<a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125 alt="Complete Soccer Training Program"></a>
Email HTML Promotional Banners
You can use the Email HTML banner when sending HTML Email promotions to your list or you can use them to create your pre sell web pages

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="400" alt="Complete Soccer Training Program"></a>
Keywords For Google PPC
Use the following keywords for your PPC Google Ad campaigns & for optimizing your affiliate pages. By using proven keywords, new pay-per-click affiliates can improve their sales and search engine ranking.
fitness soccer
soccer warm up
soccer speed
soccer exercises
training for soccer
soccer conditioning
soccer skills
soccer technique
soccer technical training
soccer speed training
soccer exercise
soccer training program
fitness for soccer
conditioning for soccer
soccer weight training
soccer strength training
soccer endurance
soccer conditioning drills
conditioning soccer drills
soccer fitness drills
speed training for soccer
athlete conditioning
sprinting exercises
soccer training programs
soccer conditioning program
soccer fitness program
soccer endurance training
Write Better PPC Ads
Ad text is an important part of creating an Adwords account. A good Ad text increases CTR, and increases quality score. Here are some tips on how to write better ads.
1. Keyword in title
Having your targeted keyword in the title is very important because it will show up bold (Google highlights the used search terms in its sponsored links). In competitive industries, everybody else will show up bold, so you need to show up bold to compete. In industries where there is not much competition, having a bold title will help you stand out from the other ads.
2. One line for unique selling point; one line for call to action
The first line in your ad should be a unique selling point about your offer or product. It should differentiate you from other ads, and explain to customers why your product is best. The second line should ask the customer to act on that information.
3. Keyword in body
The keyword in the body of the ad increases relevance both, and once again, it gets bolded.
4. Revise on a set schedule
When writing ads, always write two ads and A/B test them. On a monthly basis (or more if you have high volumes, less if you have low volume), check to see which ad is performing better. Delete the losing ad, and make another variation of the winning ad. Doing this every month is the best way to increase your CTR.
5. Keyword in Display URL
Noticing a pattern here? Once again, the keyword increases relevance both in the customers mind and in Google’s searches. Also, it gets bolded! Use either a subdomain ( or a folder ( People debate over whether having a www in front of the display URL helps or hinders. I’ve yet to find any substantiative evidence of it, but its worth testing for yourself!
Hopefully this article has given you some ideas on how to increase the performance of your Google Ads. |
Promotional E-Mail
Subject: Developing a More Complete Soccer Athlete!
Hello [NAME],
Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world,
and as a true soccer enthusiast myself I can see why!
However, despite this popularity there is still a lot of
misinformation out there about the best ways for soccer
players to improve their fitness and conditioning.
To become a well-rounded soccer athlete, you need to
be fast, strong, fit, explosive, and technically skilled.
A complete athlete also needs to pay attention to nutrition,
rest, and their mindset, or as I like to call it “mental
conditioning”. Listen, the game of soccer is evolving, and
players have to train for speed and power in order to be
The problem is that there are still many outdated programs
around that have players doing long distance “conditioning”
runs for over 30 minutes, even up to an hour.
Give me a break! Running yourself into the ground will not
make you a better athlete.
Thankfully I connected with who has
put together an excellent ‘up to date’ training resource for
soccer players called
“Building the Complete Soccer Athlete: Train Like a Pro.”
I think this is a valuable program that you would be interested
in checking out, so I wanted to share it with you.
This comprehensive training video covers all the important
topics needed to transform slow, weak, smaller players into
a dominating force on the soccer pitch! In “Building The
Complete Soccer Athlete” you’ll learn:
=> The best ways to warm up to improve performance
=> A training program to build strength and prevent injury
=> A program to develop explosive speed and power
=> The RIGHT way to perform “cardio” training
=> Basic nutritional guidelines
=> Mental conditioning exercises
Definitely something worth looking at.
Click here to learn more about
“Building the Complete Soccer Athlete”. |
Twitter Ads
Use the following ads to send to your twitter followers:
Increase soccer speed – Get more explosive!
Over 50 Technical Drills with the Ball – Build your Soccer Skills!
Soccer players need to be fast AND strong - Get powerful now!
PDF Branded Articles
Here is where you will be able download our articles on to your computer and brand them with your affiliate link. Check back here frequently to see if this section has been updated with new articles. Also be sure to sign up for our Affiliate Email Program to receive notice of updates and new marketing information. You can use articles in e-mails or offer them as a download from your website.
Currently I have three articles that you may wish to down load along with the PDF Brander program and instructions.
A. Right click and download the articles and the PDF brander in the compressed zip file.
B. Unzip the the file (extract all) or compressed zip file.
C. Once open drag and drop one article into the PDF Brander. Once the article has uploaded, fill in the appropriate information.
D. Press "Brand"
E. Save the article to a folder in your computer.
F. Now you are ready to send this branded article out to any one you know in the soccer community, with your affiliate link attached.
Download our brandable articles here! Right Click and save into an appropriate folder: Zip file with brander and articles or brander and articles individually
Here is the PDF Brander Program: PDF Brander
If you are new to HTML and need some help please e-mail us. We would be glad to help you
Feel free to use any of my articles on on your website but make sure to give the appropriate recognition for the article with your affiliate link.